$50.00 USD

3 monthly payments

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(3- payment plan) Grounded Upbringing

Think of this course as the one you wished your parents had taken. It's like an instruction manual for parents with kids ages 1 - 12.

I designed this course with YOU in mind — the busy mama who's always on the go. Through 5 modules with bite-sized lessons, you'll always leave with a practical takeaway to implement in your home.
Grounded Upbringing includes:

  • 5 core modules with bite-sized lessons 
  • A bonus module - Spiritual parenting 
  • 6 AMAZING workbooks to go with each module (from how to stop yelling to your MUST-HAVE parenting workbook that will literally shift your perspective and provide you with tools and scripts that you can use with your toddler or teenager)
  • Step-by-step guides and conversation scripts throughout the whole course!

I can't wait to see you on the inside! 

Disclaimer: By purchasing this course, I understand this course is intended for educational purposes only. This course does not replace therapy or medical treatment and does not establish a psychotherapist-patient relationship. This is a self-paced course.

This course is non-refundable!